
Publications in reversed chronological order.


  1. Time-based Chern number in periodically driven systems in the adiabatic limit
    I-Te Lu, Dongbin Shin, Umberto De Giovannini, and 4 more authors
    Physical Review Research, 2023


  1. Unconventional excitonic states with phonon sidebands in layered silicon diphosphide
    Ling Zhou, Junwei Huang, Lukas Windgaetter, and 16 more authors
    Nature Materials, Jul 2022
  2. Fresnel-Floquet theory of light-induced terahertz reflectivity amplification in Ta 2 NiSe 5
    Marios Michael, Sheikh Rubaiat Ul Haque, Lukas Windgaetter, and 5 more authors
    Jul 2022
    arXiv:2207.08851 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph]
  3. Simulating Terahertz Field-Induced Ferroelectricity in Quantum Paraelectric SrTiO 3
    Dongbin Shin, Simone Latini, Christian Schäfer, and 5 more authors
    Physical Review Letters, Jul 2022
  4. Ultrafast dynamics of adenine following XUV ionization
    Erik P. Månsson, Simone Latini, Fabio Covito, and 14 more authors
    Journal of Physics: Photonics, May 2022


  1. Common microscopic origin of the phase transitions in Ta 2 NiS 5 and the excitonic insulator candidate Ta 2 NiSe 5
    Lukas Windgätter, Malte Rösner, Giacomo Mazza, and 5 more authors
    npj Computational Materials, Dec 2021
  2. Quantum paraelectric phase of SrTiO 3 from first principles
    Dongbin Shin, Simone Latini, Christian Schäfer, and 4 more authors
    Physical Review B, Aug 2021
  3. Programmable hyperbolic polaritons in van der Waals semiconductors
    A. J. Sternbach, S. H. Chae, S. Latini, and 13 more authors
    Science, Feb 2021
  4. Real-time observation of a correlation-driven sub 3 fs charge migration in ionised adenine
    Erik P. Månsson, Simone Latini, Fabio Covito, and 15 more authors
    Communications Chemistry, Dec 2021
  5. The ferroelectric photo ground state of SrTiO 3  : Cavity materials engineering
    Simone Latini, Dongbin Shin, Shunsuke A. Sato, and 4 more authors
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Aug 2021
  6. Phonoritons as Hybridized Exciton-Photon-Phonon Excitations in a Monolayer h -BN Optical Cavity
    Simone Latini, Umberto De Giovannini, Edbert J. Sie, and 3 more authors
    Physical Review Letters, Jun 2021
  7. Vibrational coherent control of localized d–d electronic excitation
    Alexandre Marciniak, Stefano Marcantoni, Francesca Giusti, and 10 more authors
    Nature Physics, Mar 2021


  1. Nature of Symmetry Breaking at the Excitonic Insulator Transition: Ta 2 NiSe 5
    Giacomo Mazza, Malte Rösner, Lukas Windgätter, and 5 more authors
    Physical Review Letters, May 2020
  2. The spontaneous symmetry breaking in Ta 2 NiSe 5 is structural in nature
    Edoardo Baldini, Alfred Zong, Dongsung Choi, and 16 more authors
    arXiv, Jul 2020
    arXiv: 2007.02909
  3. Room Temperature Terahertz Electroabsorption Modulation by Excitons in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
    Jiaojian Shi, Edoardo Baldini, Simone Latini, and 8 more authors
    Nano Letters, Jul 2020
  4. Femtosecond exciton dynamics in WSe 2 optical waveguides
    Aaron J. Sternbach, Simone Latini, Sanghoon Chae, and 20 more authors
    Nature Communications, Dec 2020
  5. Contrasting Efficiency of Electron-Induced Reaction at Cu(110) in Aliphatic and Aromatic Bromides
    Matthew J. Timm, Lydie Leung, Kelvin Anggara, and 5 more authors
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, May 2020


  1. Cavity Control of Excitons in Two-Dimensional Materials
    Simone Latini, Enrico Ronca, Umberto De Giovannini, and 2 more authors
    Nano Letters, Jun 2019


  1. Nano-imaging of intersubband transitions in van der Waals quantum wells
    Peter Schmidt, Fabien Vialla, Simone Latini, and 11 more authors
    Nature Nanotechnology, Nov 2018
  2. Dissociation of two-dimensional excitons in monolayer WSe 2
    Mathieu Massicotte, Fabien Vialla, Peter Schmidt, and 11 more authors
    Nature Communications, Dec 2018


  1. Interlayer Excitons and Band Alignment in MoS 2 / h BN / WSe 2 van der Waals Heterostructures
    Simone Latini, Kirsten T. Winther, Thomas Olsen, and 1 more author
    Nano Letters, Feb 2017


  1. Simple Screened Hydrogen Model of Excitons in Two-Dimensional Materials
    Thomas Olsen, Simone Latini, Filip Rasmussen, and 1 more author
    Physical Review Letters, Feb 2016
  2. Exciton ionization in multilayer transition-metal dichalcogenides
    Thomas Garm Pedersen, Simone Latini, Kristian S Thygesen, and 2 more authors
    New Journal of Physics, Jul 2016
  3. Stark shift and electric-field-induced dissociation of excitons in monolayer MoS 2 and h BN / MoS 2 heterostructures
    Sten Haastrup, Simone Latini, Kirill Bolotin, and 1 more author
    Physical Review B, Jul 2016


  1. Dielectric Genome of van der Waals Heterostructures
    Kirsten Andersen, Simone Latini, and Kristian S. Thygesen
    Nano Letters, Jul 2015
  2. Excitons in van der Waals heterostructures: The important role of dielectric screening
    S. Latini, T. Olsen, and K. S. Thygesen
    Physical Review B, Dec 2015


  1. Charge dynamics in molecular junctions: Nonequilibrium Green’s function approach made fast
    S. Latini, E. Perfetto, A.-M. Uimonen, and 2 more authors
    Physical Review B, Feb 2014
  2. Manipulating surface diffusion and elastic interactions to obtain quantum dot multilayer arrangements over different length scales
    E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, V. Latini, and 5 more authors
    Applied Physics Letters, Sep 2014